body bulder wapaper girl

Alpha girls are intent on achieving their goals. They don't walk around the gym to scope out guys or fluff their hair and reapply lip gloss between sets. Alpha girls look for free squat racks, push themselves to the limits, take charge, and navigate their way through the gym—any gym—with ease. These ladies exude confidence and wear expressions of laser focus. They separate themselves from the pack. They're women on a mission.
Not every gym-going girl is born an alpha. Trust me: When I first wanted to join a gym, I was nervous as hell! My first gym was called Lady Nautilus and every machine was clad in hot pink. I was self-conscious and wandered around the gym aimlessly, working my way up and down the line of equipment. I was a far cry from the fitness professional and model I am today.
If you spend most of your gym time on the treadmill jealously watching those heavy-lifting ladies, now is the time for change. There's no reason you can't be the alpha female at your gym. All you need is a little courage and the wisdom of these five tips. Apply what you learn here and soon you'll be walking around the gym with strong, confident steps.

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